How and where does tecar therapy work?
The tecar therapy acts in a radiofrequency radius of long waves at 0.5 MHz, higher than
those that cause muscle contractions. A capacitive electrode or a resistive electrode is
sufficient. There are no particular contraindications and the treatment is therefore harmless.
The current does not pass through direct contact, as you can imagine, but it presents itself
thanks to a movement of attraction and repulsion of the natural ionic charges present in the
human body.
CET Capacitive Electric Transfer
√ Insulated Electrode
√ Current to be transferred by Capacity to patient
√ Go into 3~5cm depth of skin
√ Effective for skin lifting, pain relief
RET Resistive Electric Transfer
√ Stainless Steel Electrode (not Insulated)
√ Current to be transferred directly to the patient
√ Go into 9~12cm depth of skin
√ Effective for the subcutaneous fat
Tecar Function
The principal effect of the Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy–the pain relief–results from
muscle relaxation, edema reduction, tissue regeneration and healing.
The precise and aimed effect of the Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy on the hypertonic
muscle fibers causes their immediate relaxation. The effect of myorelaxation is primarily
based on vasodilation, which occurs immediately during the therapy and is responsible for
higher supply of nutrients into the tissue.
The improvement of tissue metabolism is a natural and valuable secondary outcome of the
therapy. It leads to faster healing of the traumatized soft tissue and faster reabsorption of
post-injury haematomas.
The walls of the arterioles are enlarged and the precapillary sphincters relaxed, allowing
increased local blood perfusion. This leads to an increase of the lymphatic processes
(drainage) and subsequently to reduction of the edema.